Publications and talks
Publications with mention of the CASSIS software:
Here are some presentations made by the CASSIS team:
- "CASSIS Aladin plugin", IVOA Interoperability Meeting, November 2021
- "CASSIS and Aladin interfaced for a VO-compliant spectral data cube analysis tool", ADASS XXXI Conference, Oct 2021
- "Feedbacks from user-oriented tools: CASSIS", VAMDC annual meeting, 10-13 June 2020, Virtual
- "Bases de données pour l'astrochimie: past, present and futur", Atelier base de données pour l'astrochimie PCMI, 28 June 2018, Marseille (in french)
- "Radiative transfer: link with the databases", Workshop Pole Atomes et Molécules, 18 January 2018, Paris
- Workshop Pole Atomes et Molécules, 18 January 2018, Paris (in french)
- Presentation at SF2A in Toulouse, June 2015
- "CASSIS", Atelier "Spectro-imagerie a l'erre d'ALMA et NOEMA", OV grand-sud-ouest, 2015 (in french)
- "CASSIS", IVOA Interoperability Meeting, 18-23 May 2014, Madrid, Spain
- "CASSIS", IVOA Interoperability Meeting, 26-28 September 2013, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA
- "HIFI hands-on with CASSIS", Workshop "Exploiting the Herschel & Planck data", April 2013, Sèvres, France
- "CASSIS: Centre d'Analyse Scientifique de Spectres Infrarouges et Submillimétriques", "VAMDC last meeting", November 2012, Paris, France
- "CASSIS, a software package to analyse high spectral resolution observations", "IAU Symposium 280", May 2011, Toledo, Spain
- "CASSIS", Herschel OT1 Data Processing Workshop, 14-18 March 2011, Madrid, Spain