- Add the new class Array to handle data like numpy arrays
- Add a new module for doing mathematics:
- Apply new convention for selectLines, rmsLines and calLines: one range per line instead of a list of ranges
- Implement feature requested in redmine #1888
- Fix bug due to error precision (cf redmine #1888) and refactor
- New feature: plotBestModel can plot selected lines (redmine #1429)
- New feature: The best physical model can be saved with the function saveBestPhysicalModel
- Force ratioAtCutOff < 1 and reducePhysicalParam > 1
- Fix database access
- Fix a possible issue when reducePhysicalParam is an integer
- Bugfix: geometry is incorrect in the LineAnalysis Panel in MCMC (redmine #1358)
- Fix the computation of the dof
- Fix initComponentsForMCMC
- Fix log_mode issue with initComponentsForMCMC
- Write the value of the collisioners with the exponential format in the output file
- Fix collision files issue in Radex with MCMC
- Bugfix: plotting the best model with telescope crashes
- New feature: Selection of telescopes with ranges of lines
- Bugfix: Collisioner value is not handled correctly with log_mode in RADEX with MCMC
- Bugfix in MCMC with Radex
- Rename rangesNotExcluded -> rangesSelected
- Fix a bug: OverflowError when math.log10(0)
- Allow Range(“*”, “*”).
- Use lower case letters for the column names of the output file
- Remove outputConcatFile
- Replace: (fileName, extensionName, suffixName) -> inputFile
- New feature: selectedLines accepts “-” as a key
- Massive renaming: notExcludedLines -> selectedLines, rangesNotExcluded -> selectedRange
- weightLines is not provided by the user anymore but. All its values are set to 1.0
- In MCMC, the chi2 value passed to compute the chi2Reduced is not divided by the number of points anymore
- Remove function: displayNbOfModels. Generalize request of confirmation
- Display a confirmation panel if warning is True and a message in the console if False
- Bugfix: the interacting is not set correctly in MCMC
- Display a warning when some lines selected are not used because they don’t have enough pooints
- Divide chi2 per line by number of points rather than by user-defined weight
- Hardcode chi2Max to 1e20 to always allow determination of the best parameters
- Fix computation of chi2 and reduced chi2
- Explain clearly the issue when no optimal param can be determined
- Fix MCMC with RADEX model
- Cancel division by the total weight in the computation of the reduced chi2Min
- Fix computation of the reduced chi2Min
- Check if the provided ranges are valid
- Better warning message before the computation
- Write the value in the output file not the log10 of the value (in MCMC only)
- Sort the parameters (“nmol”, “tex”, “tkin”, “fwhm”, “size”, “vlsr”, “iso”)
- Define a more flexible the way for the user to select the lines with ranges and indexes
- Fix computation of the reduced minimal chi2 displayed per model in the console
- Print a message telling the user if lines were not taken into account
- Bugfix: select the lines with enough points to prevent irrelevant computations
- WIP: Determine which line must be used or not
- Include continuum in the computation of the chi2
- Bugfix: chi2 computed correctly taking into account the weight when the whole spectrum is selected
- Change initial minimal chi2: 1e9 -> 1e16
- Implement isoUnique in MCMC
- Bugfix: Divide chi2 by weight
- Bugfix: weight is used correctly in the computation of reduced chi2
- Bugfix: weightLines is passed to computeChi2Reduced
- Weight the chi2 per line
- Make reducePhysicalParam optional
- Introduce weightLines
- Make cutOff and ratioAtCutOff mandatory
- Modify the computation of the reduced chi2 taking into account the number of independent points. Introduce the ratioAtCutOff
- Add iso to alpha in MCMC
- Check calLines, rmsLines and notExcludedLines
- Set a new way of defining rmsLines
- Fix bug with reducePhysicalParam
- The user can define a reducing factor for every parameter
- Move cutoff to the function computeChi2MinUsingMCMC
- Set new parameters: cutoff for fac and calLines (calibration of the lines)
- Remove alphaMaximal and alphaOptimal from Component
- Change the way fac and alpha are calculated
- Fix initialization of the computation
- Make bestParameters identical in RG and MCMC
- Add the keyword lineNumber for selecting the line to be plotted
- Improve data output and display message
- Bugfix: Nmol and Vlsr are correctly placed in the output file
- Use temp instead of tex
- Simplify the launch of module
- Remove useless prints and prints the number of model the same way as RG
- Rename the script to LineAnalysisScripting (RG and MCMC included)
- Add
- Implement plotRates
- Bugfix adding initializations for lists: variations, rates, thetas, iterIndexes
- Add alphaMaximal, alphaOptimal, chi2Optimal keywords for MCMC
- Fix the computation of chi2 with the functions extracted from ScriptLineAnalysisRG
- Removes chi2min and keeps chi2Min
- Refactor: use Plot to plot the scatter plot for the rates
- MCMC is fully functional
- Bugfix: plotBestModel works properly when run from the command line
- New feature: new syntax for notExcludedLines
- notExcludedLines and rangesNotExcluded -> notExcludedLines
- Implement conversions to MHz and km/s (FrequencyScale)
- Implement convertion to MHz from km/s, cm-1, micrometer
- Remove keyword unit and delta that will be contained in Range
- Add Range class
- Formalize the calculation of the number of models in fct of isoUnique
- Define new rules for exclusions
- Allow to set both excludedLines and rangesNotExcluded at the same time
- Bugfix: Prevent the division by zero when the dof = nbPointsUsed for the chi2MinReduced
- Set keyword outputFile
- Set keyword inputDir and outputDir instead of workingDir
- Rescale ranges when necessary
- Finish implementation of the conversion user inputs into the correct unit
- Use the vlsr of the data for the shift rather than the vlsr of the user
- Rename: freqsNotExcluded -> rangesNotExcluded, freqsExcluded -> rangesExcluded
- A different tuningBand can be applied from plotBestModel
- Fix chi2 computation using vlsrRange
- Take into account the deltaV and vlsr in the chi2 computation on a selected frequency range
- Take into account the user start index (1) instead of the logic start index (0)
- Set warning message when the freqs specified are not subsets of the speciifed lines
- Bugfix: freqsExcluded is determined properly
- Set warning message when all the lines are excluded
- Set warning message when freqsNotExcluded and freqsExcluded are both defined
- Fix issue with freqsNotExcluded and freqsExcluded
- Fix MCMC
- Bugfix: Fix bad condition when more than 1 freq to be not excluded are provided
- Improve theta, alpha parameters...
- Add ScriptLineAnalysisMCMC
- Feature implemented: Don’t take into account collision parameters in LTE mode
- Fix telescope check
- Remove n (H2 density) from component
- Add tbg and n as new extra parameters in the components
- Fix a bug when no chi2 < chi2Min was found
- plotBestModel and plotChi2Contour return a variable
- Add quantun numbers: jup, kup, lup, mup
- Display automatically the ContourPlotProduct in CASSIS standalone
- Fix header display in the output file
- Replace “_” with “-” in the collisioners in the output file
- Collisioners start with a lower letter in the output file
- Bugfix: interacting = True with many components
- Display the detail about the number of values per parameter if warning is True
- Change UserInputs.telescopes -> UserInputs.telescope
- Check the telescopes in the inputs of the user
- Check the continuum file existence
- Bugfix: If min == max et nstep != 1, nstep must be set to 1
- Add new keyword iMin and set the title of the outputFile
- the temp parameter is renamed tex or tkin regarding the selected model
- Implement concatenation of the input data files for the plot of the best model
- New feature: warning keyword
- New implementation for isoUnique
- Filter only the models where the isotopic ratios are similar
- Introduce overSampling option in plotBestModel
- Fix condition on freqsNotExcluded
- Replace freqsExcluded with freqsNotExcluded
- Fix the number of lines to be processd
- excludedLines and notExcludedLines are handled properly
- Radex model works
- plotBestModel accepts the moltag instead of an index
- Add geometry and interacting parameters in the components
- Improve display of the information in the console
- Introduce collision parameters for RADEX
- Use specific module to prevent error precisions
- Bugfix with log_mode
- Bug fixes
- Implementation of the MCMC method
- Implementation of the RG method
- Initial version